The Mandate

The SDSN Global Commission on Urban SDG Finance has a mandate to harness the insights of mayors, climate and finance experts, city networks leaders, practitioners, and scholars to develop and champion innovative ideas and solutions for increasing urban SDG finance in different geographies and contexts and balancing mitigation and adaptation finance.

The Commission, which is co-chaired by Jeffrey Sachs, the Co-Chair and Founder of SDSN; Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris, France; and Eduardo Paes, Mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is composed of mayors, finance and urban experts, and scholars to address the critical situation of urban Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Finance. A Secretariat, hosted by the University of Pennsylvania under the direction of Penn IUR Co-Director and Lawrence C. Nussdorf Professor of Urban Research and Education, Eugénie L. Birch; Penn IUR Faculty Fellow and Professor, Penn Carey Law, William Burke-White; and Penn IUR Fellow and former mayor of Quito, Mauricio Rodas, supports the Commission.

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Meeting the Challenge

The Commission assigned Task Forces to analyze barriers to urban SDG finance, evaluate existing proposals to improve urban finance access, and develop new strategies and mechanisms to better align the Global Financial Architecture (GFA) with urban needs. The Task Forces meet virtually and at aligned events, such as UN Climate Week and COP28.

By late summer 2024, the Commission will produce a number of outcomes, including a set of briefs based on research and informed by the comparative perspectives of the mayors and experts on the commission. The briefs will provide a set of recommendations targeted at actionable reforms and new mechanisms to help cities secure more SDG-related finance.

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Commission Timeline

Formal launch of Commission at the Paris Hôtel de Ville Paris during an official side event of the Summit for a New Global Financial Pact.

Virtual Commission and Task Force Meetings.

Informal and formal in-person meetings of Commission members at the G20 Summit (September 9-10, 2023); UN Climate Week (September 18-24), G7 meeting (October 28-29), and COP 28 (November 30-December 7).

Virtual Meetings and Task Force Meetings, refine of recommendations; development of briefs.

In-Person Commission Meeting hosted by Mayor Ann Hidalgo of Paris, France.

Continuing advocacy, Task Force meetings in preparation for Fall events including the World Urban Forum in Egypt and the G20 in Brazil.