The Mandate
The SDSN Global Commission on Urban SDG Finance has a mandate to harness the insights of mayors, climate and finance experts, city networks leaders, practitioners, and scholars to develop and champion innovative ideas and solutions for increasing urban SDG finance in different geographies and contexts and balancing mitigation and adaptation finance.
The Commission, which is co-chaired by Jeffrey Sachs, the Co-Chair and Founder of SDSN; Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris, France; and Eduardo Paes, Mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is composed of mayors, finance and urban experts, and scholars to address the critical situation of urban Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Finance. A Secretariat, hosted by the University of Pennsylvania under the direction of Penn IUR Co-Director and Lawrence C. Nussdorf Professor of Urban Research and Education, Eugénie L. Birch; Penn IUR Faculty Fellow and Professor, Penn Carey Law, William Burke-White; and Penn IUR Fellow and former mayor of Quito, Mauricio Rodas, supports the Commission.